Specialist Stores

Here are the links to download requisition forms and others:

Non-Chemical Requisition Form (Interactive)

Chemical Requisition Form (Interactive)

How to Use the Store Interactive Requisition forms:

  1. The form must be downloaded and opened in Adobe Acrobat Pro.
  2. Fill in the form. Required fields are marked RED. Once completed, click on the submit button at the bottom.
  3. Submitting the form launches the default email client or webmail on your computer, e.g. UOM outlook or Gmail; The completed form will become an attachment.
  4. You must send the email, which will have the email addresses of your supervisor, UoM Specialist Stores and your email address. You can additionally attach any quotes or other relevant documents to this email.
  5. Do not present the printed form to stores.
  6. An email will be sent to your supervisor with a link to approve the requisition.
  7. Once the approval email is received by stores the requisition will be processed.

See below link for more detailed instructions:

Interactive Forms Instruction

Pathtech Standard Pipette Decontamination Form

Pathtech NATA Pipette Decontamination Form

Fedex Commercial Invoice

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